Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Part 2 Into & Gematria (Post 5)

“Unless we know the value of other religious traditions, it is difficult to develop respect for them. Mutual respect is the foundation of genuine harmony. We should strive for a spirit of harmony, not for political or economic reasons, but rather simply because we realize the value of other traditions. I always make an effort to promote religious harmony.” - Dalai Lama

Death, fellowship, purpose in life- these are some of the biggest reasons people seek the knowledge of God or any superior being that tingles inside them. Many of them share common traits that draw together a common thread of what religion really is, and some of them have extraordinary aspects that seem to defy the minds of people. The purpose of this second part is to bring together different views on the same subjects. In short, to bring alternate views on Abrahamic beliefs to different Abrahamic believers, and to bring logical views on Abrahamic traditions to non-Abrahamic believers. Just as the Dalai Lama was saying, it is important to know these views in order to respect, or for that matter disrespect the beliefs of others, while it is also important for those of the Abrahamic faiths to know the common grounds between them and to find reason in all of it. As a disclaimer- this section does go into religion, not just science.

In my personal views, all people of Abrahamic faith worship the same God- the God that Abraham followed, and if someone of Abrahamic faith disagrees, then they are saying there is another God than the one they follow. That would be blasphemy in any Abrahamic faith (since all of these religions say that no other God exists). That being said, all prayers would go to the same God, and that God would hear all prayers- because who else could hear them? It is upon this middle ground that mutual respect, and therefore harmony can be developed.

So this part is about bringing forward information on Abrahamic tradition to both followers and non-followers of those traditions. I have made a great attempt to make it accurate to all Abrahamic faiths including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. I will start with the beginning of time, and the beginning of tradition in Abrahamic faiths, and work to the more complex issues within these subjects.


We begin with the tradition of the universe’s creation. According to Abrahamic faiths, the very first thing to happen in this universe was God saying “let there be light,” and then there was light, and it just so happens that science would support this theory in the form of acoustic waves. One of the major pieces of evidence for the big bang theory is “cosmic microwave background radiation” picked up through radio telescopes, and it is the sound waves from the big bang theory that cause the galaxies to form in the way they do now. In accordance with that theory, and the religious beliefs, the Abrahamic faiths believe that Hebrew was the language of creation, and is the sacred language of God. Along those same lines, for long periods of history, Hebrew was used only as a sacred language and not used in everyday life, and to this day, many people feel it is sacrilegious to say certain words and phrases in Hebrew, since they would be saying them in “God‘s language44 .

Moving along, if you are aware of computer code, or even the movie “The Matrix” for that matter, it would not be hard to imagine words and code displaying as complex groupings and structures of reality in everything we see around us, but in truth a 2 language itself being this ; code would be extremely = - difficult. That being said, - Hebrew already is a 1 complex code in its own - right, because every word p and every letter in the U Hebrew language has a numerical value to it. This numerical coding of the language is call Gematria, and while some words ofArabic, Spanish, Greek, and Yiddish can be calculated into Gematria, it is most widespread and easily converted through the Hebrew language.

So what we see to this point is a number coded language in which every word, even every sound has a complete numerical value, unlike any other language, and the religious concept of Hebrew being the language of God spoken at creation to form the world and universe. The last of those being a concept from ancient time before computer code or before even a general or scientific concept of the world and universe was developed. Yet still, ancient legend backed by linguistic-numerical code that can be either written, spoken, or counted still creates no basis for the for scientific belief for being the center of all existence and all things. . . Until you think of the string theory.

The string theory is a theory that was intended to prove together the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It states that at the core of all particles, at the smallest levels of elemental science, are little bands of energy in string like forms. Though it would be a leap of a hypothesis, it could be hypothesized from this theory that these bands of energy at the smallest levels are bands of Hebrew text or linguistic-numerical waves of sounds resembling strings. Each Hebrew string would be energy from audio, or bands of energy containing different properties based on linguistic-numerical value. For example, the Hebrew word “chai” means life, and has the numerical value of 18. So it could be coded into other words through its numerical or linguistic value, just as saying the word “chai” aloud sends audio waves in a unique form, and when spelled out, the Hebrew word of two letters forms a letter string- or word.

Therefore all together, words in Hebrew hold numerical code value, audio sound value, and a physical written value; additionally it is accepted by religious belief as the language of creation. This means it fits every aspect to be possibly the makeup of all existence, the ultimate code to the universe, or the base of all energy. While being a long step to claim it as fact in the theory of string theory, it appears to be a possible contender. It may or may not be worth seeking deeper into this subject, but I feel compelled to make the reasoning available.

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